rap song

美 [ræp sɔːŋ]英 [ræp sɒŋ]
  • 说唱歌曲
rap songrap song
  1. I also heard another rap song about Harbin by some Nigerian guy at Blues .


  2. He also won Best Rap Song for'Good Life'and Best Rap Performance by a duo or group for his collaboration with Common on'Southside .


  3. The rap song writers employ a lot of appraisal resources to convince their listeners to believe in their beliefs .


  4. Rap song lyrics express the rappers ' strong feelings and persuade people to think or act as the rappers encourage .


  5. Still Sara pushes the telephone toward me . She is chewing gum and humming a rap song under her breath .


  6. Njambi Wynn still remembers the year some students performed a rap song about King Henry and his wives at the British embassy , to the amusement of the ambassador .


  7. In1992 , when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice T 's violent rap song Cop Killer , Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture , which deserves an outlet .


  8. In the ensuing coverage , it turned out they had also filmed their three young sons singing a violent rap song called " Pussification " and posted the video on YouTube in order to garner the same kind of attention for themselves .


  9. It has inspired a gangsta rap fan song in China .


  10. Wrap up : Chinese rap , song and festivities .


  11. His victory robbed Kendrick Lamar 's more urgent , political album of the night 's main prizes - but the Compton-born star still took home five trophies , including best rap album , best rap song and best rap performance .
